The Daily Discipline of Decisions

One of the most difficult things for me to do is accept that I can’t accomplish everything in one day.  It frustrates me to think that I must say yes to some things and no to others or worse, be unable to finish a project that I began with so much energy earlier in the day.  I am constantly saying yes to requests and ideas and assuming that I can fit them all in to a 24 hour window.  Needless to say, this is not a winning strategy for mental wellness.  

I know many others who operate in much the same way and quickly become overextended, fatigued, and frustrated.  These are not descriptions often associated with people who are full of hope, peace, joy, and love.  So how do we avoid the trap of taking on too much and saying yes too quickly?  

The first step is what I like to call developing 3D vision, the daily discipline of decisions.  In order to make better decisions and avoid saying yes to the wrong things, we must first understand our priorities.  What do we want to accomplish today?  What are the critical projects/tasks that must be done to ensure our success?  What items can wait until tomorrow or even next week/next month?  Once we are able to consistently ask and answer these questions, we can begin to build a more disciplined approach to our work, our personal lives, and our daily interactions with others.  

By developing 3D vision, we can eliminate so many sleepless nights and frustrating days that rob us of our hope, peace, joy, and love.  Contact me at hello@psychlifementalwellness if you’d like to discuss how I can help you develop your 3D vision.


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