Community, Wellness, and Growth

One of the many advantages of being a person of faith is that you have so many opportunities to be part of a community.  As a result, the ability to develop and nurture deep relationships based on trust is critical to your overall wellness and ability to grow spiritually and mentally.  Unfortunately, many individuals, particularly mental health professionals, lack the sort of healthy community and trusting relationships that are necessary to address and discuss their own mental health.  This leads many to suffer in silence with depression, anxiety, trauma, burnout, addiction, and other serious conditions.  

One of my favorite leadership mentors is Craig Groeschel, Senior Pastor of Life.Church.  He recently embarked on a multipart series dedicated to mental health in the church and addressing the myths that have kept so many in bondage, often for years at a time.  Below is a link to this series and I encourage anyone who is struggling or knows someone who is struggling to listen to Pastor Groeschel’s words of wisdom, particularly if you are part of a faith community and have reservations about seeking the help.

However, if a video series isn’t for you at the moment, below are a few questions I encourage you to consider if you or someone you love is struggling with mental health issues today.

  1. Do I have someone I can trust with my struggle?  Don’t suffer in silence.

  2. What area(s) of my life causes me the greatest unease?  Identifying the root cause of our anxiety, depression, addiction, or other concerns is critical to healing.

  3. How often do I spend time in quiet reflection (prayer, meditation, listening to music, breathing exercises, etc.)?  Quieting our minds is critical to taking our thoughts captive and adjusting our perspective.  

At PsychLife Mental Wellness, our mission is to eliminate the stigma associated with mental health across every demographic.  However, I have a particular passion and heart for my fellow mental health professionals who have suffered in silence for too long.  No matter who you are, if you answered “no” or “don’t know” to any of the questions above, schedule a free consultation.  I would be honored to help you find the right path to healing today.


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